Our study trip to Eastbourne

Studienfahrt Eastbourne 2024 Bild 1

Our study trip to Eastbourne

On 11th March 2024 we started our journey. We all met at school at 1.15 am. Half an hour later we all sat in the bus and the trip could finally start. Even if we all were tired, we were still excited and curious what would await us.

After a long bus ride (about 19 hours!!!) and an amazing view from the ferry we finally arrived at our destination – Eastbourne. We got picked up by our host families and this is how our first evening ended.

The next days were filled with trips and adventures. From city tours over hiking tours all the way to shopping trips with our friends,

We went to Hastings, a beautiful little town with gorgeous vintage-looking buildings, stores and a beautiful landscape.  We went to Brighton too, where we visited the Royal Pavilion, which is a beautiful old building in an Asian-looking style from the 19th century. But the biggest highlight was Wednesday, when we went to London. That was a day full of new impressions and I think everyone made some memories that they won’t forget that fast. 😊

Not only did we go to cities, but the countryside too. We went hiking over the Seven Sisters. Beautiful mountains and cliffs with the sea right next to it. That was absolutely stunning.

Sadly, our journey ended way faster than we wanted and on 17th March we found our way back to our hometown Altenburg.

All in all, it was a truly awesome study trip, where everyone could make some really beautiful memories.

Studienfahrt Eastbourne 2024 Bild 2Studienfahrt Eastbourne 2024 Bild 3Studienfahrt Eastbourne 2024 Bild 4Studienfahrt Eastbourne 2024 Bild 5Nora Trommer, class 9b

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